The EPIC is a collection of useful plugin for Eclipse, its purpose is help the developers to create applications more comfortably.

This collection includes:
  • GetFullClassName: it adds a new action to the Package Explorer and Navigation for copying the fully qualified name of the selected Java type to the clipboard.
  • Deployer: it is a plugin to deploy files in remote servers, using SSH. It uses SFtp protocol to transfer the files. It adds a Preferences page to the resources to set the deployment information (server, remote path, user and password, etc.), and a submenu with a Deploy action.
  • OpenHere: it adds a new action to the Package Explorer and Navigation that allows to open a system file manager. It also adds a Preferences page to the resources to set the system file manager to use.
Now I'm working to a printing system (for Linux and Windows) and ...


Under construction

Epic 2005